Tag: maemo

  • Nokia FAIL

    I’ll start this post by pointing out that I am a Nokia fanboy. I love Nokia devices. I’ve only ever owned Nokia phones, and it is no secret how much I love my Nokia internet tablets. But boy are Nokia frustrating.

  • Witter – a basic python twitter client for Maemo

    So I wrote last week about developing a basic twitter client. And this week I got the main stuff done, and wanted to share the code example here. 

  • Developing applications for Maemo

    When I first got my nokia 770 I intended to develop for it. I had a few ideas of what to write, but discovered apps already existing for just about everything I could think of. I also discovered that it’s not that easy developing for maemo.

  • Why open platforms are great

    About a year ago I bought a Nokia 770. It didn’t get great reviews when it first came out. But then it was expensive when it came out first. Last year they were selling cheap….*really* cheap, as the latest model had just come out.