Category: Android

  • Android development – Unfortunately *your app* has stopped

    So upfront I will admit that I am not one of life’s readers-of-instructions. I tend to skim through manuals and instructional pages and just get a sense of what I need to know then dive in and start pressing buttons.

  • Setting up a new development environment – Android

    It’s been a long while since I was doing any personal coding projects and even longer since the last time I gave much thought to the development environment and tools that I would use. However, that time is upon me again…

  • Mobile phone stand

    I spend a lot of time on trains at the moment. My commute is insanely long, and the way I cope with this is listening to podcasts, and more recently, watching video podcasts. I particularly like This Week in Tech, and the generally very amusing NSFW show.

  • Maemo: n900 to Android: HTC Desire Z

    I had toyed with the idea for a while, and even written a post some time ago suggesting that my next phone would like be an Android one. A couple of weeks ago my n900 decided to stop booting at all, and I had to send it away for repair. While it was away I…