Category: Thoughts

  • Moved!

    Ok, so I moved a couple of weeks ago, but only today did I *finally* get my internet connected. 

  • Goodbye to the Hampshire woodturners association

    After about two and a half years of being a member of the Hampshire woodturners association, it is time to say goodbye. Tomorrow’s meeting is the AGM marking the end of the subscription year, and since I am planning to move away from the area in the next few months, I will not be renewing my…

  • The laziness of getting fit

    I’ve become aware that more than ever all I was doing was sitting. Either on trains to and from work, or at my desk at work. Add to that a free flowing supply of soft drinks, tea, biscuits, crisps and the occasional ‘cake day’ and it was clear that I needed to do something about…

  • A commuter’s life

    So there are a couple of reasons I wanted to write this short post after just 1 week of commuting. The first is just to comment on the things that I’ve already noticed. However, the second reason was to actually write this whilst commuting.

  • Last Day

    Yesterday was my last day at IBM. I wrote a few weeks back about resigning and the thoughts and feelings around that. I figured I’d also capture some thoughts on the last 5 weeks, and my last day.

  • Maemo: n900 to Android: HTC Desire Z

    I had toyed with the idea for a while, and even written a post some time ago suggesting that my next phone would like be an Android one. A couple of weeks ago my n900 decided to stop booting at all, and I had to send it away for repair. While it was away I…

  • So long, and thanks for all the lattes

    On Monday I resigned from IBM after 9.5 years there. The process of looking for a new job has been a fairly long, and interesting one. Of course the hardest part was making the decision to leave. Well I say hard, in the endI guess I felt IBM made it pretty easy for me. 

  • 5 Years in Eastleigh

    This week I passed my fifth year living in Eastleigh. It’s the longest I’ve lived in a place since my childhood home in a town called Crowborough.

  • LoveFilm video streaming

    LoveFilm also allow video streaming of some of their catalogue. Given that my television is connected to my Asrock running ubuntu, this means I can live stream content directly to my television. And it’s really good. 

  • Honeymoon

    Kat had never been to America, and we both liked the idea of going to San Francisco for our honeymoon. What with it being such a long way, I came up with the suggestion that we also spend some time in New York afterwards, to make the journey home slightly less crazy than the journey…