A return to blogging?

Well hello there. It’s been a while.

Way way back, before YouTube was much of a thing, before Instagram even existed. I was in the habit of documenting my random makes and mischief on here, my ‘blog’. Of course ‘here’ has changed a few times but the back catalogue of miscellaneous musings is all there.

The idea was always to capture for some kind of posterity the things that I did, mostly as a sort of public diary. I developed a pretty regular habit of heading out for brunch at some nearby spot, and collating some thoughts, photos and sometimes even instructions. Somewhere along the way video took over, and youtube became my primary documentary tool.

Capturing many projects is much easier in video form, certainly easier to consume than some verbose verbiage on an individual’s website. However it also takes considerable time and effort to properly produce, and edit. As such some projects go undocumented, others advance slowly behind the scenes with just periodic info dumps. And whilst the long form videos feel somewhat like they might one day been looked back on, the shorts and the tiktoks are more ephemeral and disjointed.

All to say that recently I found myself unexpectedly nostalgic for the days in which my trusty Nokia 770 tablet and keyboard sat next to a coffee on a Saturday morning as a moment of me not scrolling news and memes, but instead composing my thoughts and plans into some kind of order, some chronological record of what I was up to and how I felt about it.

One of few pictures I have of the aforementioned Nokia 770

And so…here I am. not yet on a Saturday morning with a coffee, but trying out a new fancy folding keyboard, and a potential portable mount setup for my phone. Wondering if this is the resumption of an old habit, or merely a passing fancy soon to fall by the wayside.

I need to figure out the phone mount properly in this photo it is merely lent against the arm since I could not find a holder of the right type. However as proof of concept, for on-the-go gear setup, it has done well enough for the composition of this post at least.

For now, that’s all. if you find this randomly, then say hi in the comments, it’ll make a change from all the spam this blog normally gets.

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