Category: project

  • Refinishing chairs

    For a long time I’ve not pulled my weight in the “cooking a meal for the family” stakes. Based solely on the excuse that I don’t have a dining table or chairs. So I’ve been content to go to my brothers’ houses and enjoy their hospitality, but when it came my turn it was always…

  • DIY lathe dust extractor hood

    Last year I bought myself a serious dust extractor for use in the workshop. It has a huge dust collection bag and a 100mm hose.I have it sat between my bandsaw and my lathe. The bandsaw has a specific dust port for connecting this type of extractor to which makes life easy. The lathe on the…

  • Closing the door on a long standing todo.

    Some time ago I started a project…, OK quite a long time ago…, alright – I’m slightly embarrassed to admit it was over 2 years ago. My bedroom is pretty big so I decided it could stand to lose a couple of feet to have a decent size built-in wardrobe.

  • My kind of holiday

    Last week Kat and I went on holiday to visit her father’s house in France. I took with me some tools and overalls so that I could spend some time whilst there doing some wood turning.