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Advanced eclipse and Rational Team Concert (RTC) tips
I spend pretty much most days working in and around RTC, an Eclipse-based tool for development and agile project development. Many of the great features are very obvious, others are not so much, but still really very helpful.
Accepting tips
Over the last few months several people have commented, either here on my blog or via twitter, that I should accept donations or payments in some way. It’s taken me a while to get around to it, but today I added a new button it’s over there on the top right of the page.
Guest posting
A couple of weeks ago I was asked if I would like to write a post for TestingBlues. It is a blog by a bunch of IBMers, but represents their own thoughts and opinions on subjects around about software testing. It is not an official IBM blog. This week I put up my first guest…
Developing python for maemo 5
I wrote before about my little attempt to write a basic twitter client for the n810 and n900.It now has it’s own page here on my blog.It has come on a long way in a fairly short space of time. It still doesn’t support OAuth, and it’s still a monolithic app rather than a nicely engineered one.
My new n900
After what feels like forever, i finally have my N900. So here are my first impressions.
Navit Update
It’s been a while since I’ve done much with Navit. My regular week doesn’t include much travelling and I’ve just not had that much time to devote to it. When push comes to shove, my wood turning normally wins when competeing for my free time.
Christmas goodies
Nearly the end of 2008, and I’ve had a great Christmas.I’ve had some nice times visiting family, playing silly games, and drinking generally too much. And I’ve apparently been a very good boy this year as I’ve been treated to lots of things I really wanted.
Hello world!
Hello!, this is my new blog, I figured there are various things that I think I ought to write about, if only as a diary of my own thoughts at various points. Perhaps they will be of interest, or…more likely, I’ll be the only one that ever reads it. but hey-ho….