Repairing an SGS 50L compressor
I’ve had this compressor for a couple of years now. I’ve used it to spray paint my workshop, drive die grinders, sanders and nail guns. More recently I got a plasma cutter (which is awesome). however somoewhere along the way the compressor has developed a fault, it started out as an intermittent issue where it…
tap tap tap… is this thing on?
for a while now I’ve had a profile on the fediverse as which has been fine, a good community that I’m interested in on home automation etc. However, I’ve been aware that in theory it is possible eto connect my wordpress blog with activity pub so that I can appear more properly as @Daniel…
Custom generic controls app for Garmin watch
For a couple of years now I’ve had a Garmin Venu 2 plus watch. mostly for tracking my runs, health stuff etc.. I like the Garmin watch, I love the battery life, but obviously it’s a little less of a rich ecosystem of apps. However they had an SDK and it’s not too hard to…
Caching Grafana graphs with the open source version
If you’ve found this then I’m going to assume you are in the situation I was in a week or so ago. Using the open source /free Grafana to produce graphs, but running up against them being slow. Figuring there must be a way to at least just cache the responses you take to Google…
A return to blogging?
Well hello there. It’s been a while. Way way back, before YouTube was much of a thing, before Instagram even existed. I was in the habit of documenting my random makes and mischief on here, my ‘blog’. Of course ‘here’ has changed a few times but the back catalogue of miscellaneous musings is all there.…
Designing a better coffee carrier
Many years ago… I was in the habit of fetching coffee on the regular from my local costa coffee. Typically I’d be getting two coffees, one for me and one for my wife. At that time they offered the style of carrier pictured above. This was a pretty simple design, punched/cut out of flat cardboard,…
Improved Duet3d Fusion 360 post processor for Ooznest Ox
I recently upgraded my ooznest OX cnc machine from the original xPro USB controller (GRBL based) to the Duet3d (marlin based?) Ooznest typically use this on their newer workbee machines and they provide a post processor in the downloads for that machine. However, they also ship all of their machines for use with trim routers…
Sagrada Familia Knight
I recently went to Barcelona and visited the Sagrada Familia there. It’s an awesome building and if you have the chance I recommend a visit. The pictures really do not do it justice. There are hundreds of statues, but one of the cool ones that caught my eye was this one of a knight Whilst…
Custom pi Zero case
Now available from our shop! custom pi Zero cases. Yes you can buy off the shelf cases for your pizero. and that’s fine. But if you’re building a project and looking for a professional finish, it’s great to have a case customised to your project or business. The case is a snug fit for the…