Dan’s top tip #1

Today I had a realisation, something I wish I’d thought to do a long time ago would of come in handy today. Now maybe it’s obvious and I am the odd one out. But just in case I thought I’d start what might become a series of Dan’s top tips

Sometime in the future you may find you are buying something for a room which you decorated, maybe a new sofa or perhaps…new carpet. When this occurs you may find your self wandering down isle after isle of carpet realising you have no idea how it will go with the walls. Wishing that you had some sample blocks with you that are the same colour as your walls.

Realising you don’t have any, you may hope in vain, that you still have the paint pots from all those years ago…but you probably won’t. At which point you really wish you’d written down the colours and the manufacturer.
So top tip #1 – If you redecorate a room, paint the walls etc. Then take a moment to paint some wood blocks and make a note of the colours you chose.
