Tag: Laser eye surgery

  • With Frickin’ Lasers…Part 5 one year on

    A little over a year ago, I had laser eye surgery. Which I wrote a fairly bow by blow account of at the time. Today I thought I’d just write a quick update, one year on.

  • With Frickin’ Lasers…Part 3

    And so it is done. After a little over 2 years of talking about it, and figuring out whether I really wanted to spend the money etc., etc. I have finally had my vision corrected…with frickin’ lasers! As I type this, it is 2 days since I had the treatment.

  • With frickin’ lasers!

    For some considerable time I’ve been toying with the idea of laser vision correction. The idea of being able to fix my eyesight on a more permanant basis than glasses appeals greatly. However the idea of the treatment itself is a little scary. 

  • With Frickin’ lasers part 4…2 weeks on

    With Frickin’ lasers part 4…2 weeks on

    So it’s two weeks since I had my eyes zapped, and I am very happy. Not least because now that 2 weeks is up I no longer have to do eye drops 4 times a day, and sleep in eye shields.