Author: Daniel

  • DIy motorised camera slider

    For anyone shooting and editing video, sooner or later you realise a desire to have some more dynamic shots. Simply cutting from one static position to another can only take you so far. Even with a good timelapse, it can add a great deal of visual interest to have the camera moving during the period. …

  • Make a knife out of an old hacksaw blade

    Make a knife out of an old hacksaw blade

    I am a terrible hoarder, I keep things that I really should throw away. In this case I had kept an old hacksaw blade after replacing it with a new one. It even had a chunk taken out of it. At the time that I replaced it and did not throw it away, I had…

  • Making a wooden business card case

    This project was inspired by a friend who recently had some great businss cards made up based on a design my wife created.   I decided that it would be cool to have a nice case to hold businss cards, and as it happens loyalty cards are usually the same size so it can do…

  • Diagnosing and repairing a Trend Router tt/127

    About 2 years ago I came to use my router and when I pulled the switch, nothing happened. My initial thought was that maybe I had blown a fuse in the plug, but after checking the fuse and finding it fine, I gave up.  Some have suggested that in this situation it is easy to…

  • Bespoke picture frame to suit your space

    Picture frames are easy enough to come by, but why settle for something which is close to what you want, when you can make something which is exactly right for your home. This is a relatively easy project, but can have a major impact because you get something which fits exactly into the space you have.…

  • How to make a mobile tool station

    How to make a mobile tool station

    Become a workshop ninja with all your tools readily accessible and exactly where you need them.

  • How to add contactless payment to your clothes

    How to add contactless payment to your clothes

    Contactless payment is awesome, but most miss its true potential. This project is about putting magical payment abilities right into your clothing.

  • Buy project tools and materials

    Life is too short to use cheap tools or rubbish materials.

  • Welding project – Garden ornament Cat

    Welding project – Garden ornament Cat

    This was one of those projects that came together really well out of a little inspiration and some creative constraints. I didn’t track how long it took, but I think probably less than 2 hours.

  • Maker Geek Gear – clothes, glasses, notepads

    Maker Geek Gear – clothes, glasses, notepads

    One of my favourite t-shirts is one that my wife made for me that features a logo for this site. It also features a hand-painted QR code that actually worked! However as that shirt ages and starts to fade I thought it would be interesting to look into getting other clothes with custom designs. So…